Cheryl is the front desk receptionist at Ousky Yates Law Office. Cheryl’s friendly smile, welcoming greeting, and warm disposition are the first things clients encounter when they call or arrive at our office. An invaluable member of our team, Cheryl assists Ron and Megan in providing an environment that is supportive and calming in times when clients need it the most.
Cheryl is from a banking and public relations background. She is an active volunteer, serving on many boards, from Junior League and Symphony – in the distant past – to Rotary, Chambers of Commerce, Ballet, and Fine Arts, most recently. She also mentored 8th grade girls for seven years with the Hope for Tomorrow program, and was named a Dakota County Businesswoman of the Year in 2016.
A relative Minnesota newcomer, she relocated from Louisville, Kentucky about 10 years ago. She is a Drake University News-Editorial Journalism graduate. And is thrilled to have the privilege of working with Ousky Yates!!!